How to protect your daycare or preschool from COVID-19

How to protect your daycare or preschool from COVID-19 With the 2020-2021 school year now underway, many childcare organizations are scrambling to find a way to screen for COVID-19. Many states, including Washington, have released strict guidelines to ensure accurate reporting for the disease. Many preschools and daycares have rushed to implement a paper-based survey…

A new application called MaxQ for preschools and daycares to handle Covid-19 surveys

What is MaxQ by Vandromeda? A new application called MaxQ for preschools and daycares to handle Covid-19 surveys is available starting September 14, 2020. With MaxQ, preschools and daycares can automate surveys to handle Covid-19 requirements.  You can ask us to adapt this survey to your state! What is MaxQ?  Well, MaxQ is the first…